Blogs // Francesca Bonati

China Media Observatory seminars - Communication and Culture: The China Case

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Dear Friends,

I have received an invitation to a seminar I believe is really of high interest to anyone who is involved in any activity about China.

This seminar, organized by The China Media Observatory (CMO)  of Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), aims to promote active and mutual communication between European scholars/students/citizens who are interested in China and our distinguished Chinese visiting scholars on understanding China’s culture industry/cultural development strategies, China’s media system, and Chinese culture in its modern interpretation.

Main object is Media, communication and culture and it is organized by  USI, in Lugano, from Apil 29th to May 3rd.



Today is the last day to register to the website:


Here you have also the presentation of the core topics that will be discussed:

For a rising power like China, the rapid and steady growth rate maintained over the years posed a real challenge not only in economic and political terms, but also from a social and cultural perspective due to the transformations and modernization involved.  The Chinese government has begun to endorse the development of a culture industry in China in recent years following the “great development and flourishing of Chinese culture” policy (文化大发展大繁荣) and “soft-power” strategy; China’s culture industry aims to grow from a new engine into a pillar of the national economy with central government's determined support.  With its history and ancient wisdom that stretches back across millennia, China as a nation abounds in cultural resources, but the dramatic changes brought about by the growth of its economic power, the influence of the world’s political geography and the challenge of new media all raise questions over the direction that China’s culture development will take and its communication with the world.





Latest comments

  • Alfonso Arpaia
    25.04.2014 08:03
    P.S.: peraltro vedo con piacere che ti sei occupata di cooperazione internazionale con la Cina, il che risulta particolarmente interessante.
  • Alfonso Arpaia
    25.04.2014 08:01
    Salve, Francesca,

    piacere di conoscerti, mi chiamo Alfonso e mi trovo a Shanghai dove sto svolgendo una Internship in qualita' di project manager e key account manager.

    Trovo il progetto Chinese4U molto interessante e mi auguro possa avere un numero maggiore possibile di utenti.

    Spero di potere rimanere in contatto.



Francesca Bonati

Fondazione Italia Cina (Italy). Francesca is a project manager of Chinese for Europeans project from Italy. She is experience in creating Chinese courses especially those for Children. Francesca has created many international cooperation with institutions from China.

